Saturday 30 July 2016

sea mandatory 1

In accordance with Part A Section 1-VI/I of the Standard of Training Certification and Watch keeping (STCW Code) for seafarers as amended which established the mandatory minimum requirements for safety familiarization, basic training and instructions for all seafarers intended to be assigned to ship board duties on board a seagoing vessel/ship other than passenger ship.
What kind of People takes the STCW Mandatory Safety Training program?
Persons/people, who before being assigned to ship board duties or persons assigned, employed or engaged on a seagoing ship other than passengers.  
 What is a seagoing ship? 
 Seagoing ship means  a ship other than those which navigate exclusively in inland waters or in waters  or in waters within or closely adjacent to, sheltered waters or areas where port regulations apply – page 13 STCW  Convention as amended .  

What Kind of people takes the STCW Mandatory Safety Training Program?           
Persons/people who work or intends to work in the maritime and/or oil & gas sector or industries especially those who are employed to work on board a marine vessel/ship.  A seagoing marine vessel/ship                                                           
What will I gain from th

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